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Learning Networks


Third European Conference on
Technology Enhanced Learning
Maastricht, The Netherlands
September 17-19 2008

Technologies have spread across a variety of learning contexts.
They are used in formal (primary, secondary and higher) education,
corporate training and lifelong learning. Large corporations are
creating campuses, which reveals their convergence with universities.
Technologies are used in general curricula as well as in vocational
training. The spread of mobile devices, social learning techniques and
personalization technologies is closing the gap between formal and
informal learning. Recent developments promote the integration of
individual learning, small group collaboration as well as class-wide
or community activities within a coherent pedagogical scenario. These
scenarios combine activities that intensively rely on computers with
activities that marginally use technologies. Such activities occur in
the classrooms and in the training centres but also across multiple
other spaces: offices, homes, cars, field trips, ski lifts, … Most
modern learning environments do not fit anymore within one pedagogical
stream: they integrate heterogeneous software components such as a
simulation tool, an hypertext, an argumentation tool and a tutorial.
Old barriers between different visions of learning technologies are
fading out. A similar convergence is happening between research on
knowledge management and technology enhanced learning.
In this age of pedagogical and technological convergence, the two
European Networks of Excellence are also converging. After the two
successful EC-TEL conferences organized in 2006 and 2007 by the
ProLearn network, we invite all researchers across the different
fields of TEL (education, psychology, computer science,…) to
contribute to the scientific landscape of technology enhanced
learning. Contributions may address the design of innovative
environments, computational models and architectures, results of
empirical studies on socio-cognitive processes, field studies
regarding the use of technologies in context, etc,

All submissions will be reviewed for relevance, originality,
significance, soundness and clarity by three reviewers. Proceedings
will be published.

Important Dates (updated)

April 16th, 2008
Submission (Papers, Posters & workshops)

June 1st, 2008
Author Notification

June 24th, 2008
Camera-ready copy due

September 16, 2008
Project meetings

September 17, 2008

September 18-19, 2008
EC-TEL Conference

Conference themes

Computational models for TEL
Metadata, learning objects and repositories
Network infrastructures (peer to peer, ad-hoc networks, …)
Semantic web and web 2.0
Web services architectures
Sensors and sensors networks
Mobile technologies
Roomware and ubiquitous computing

Pedagogical models for TEL
Learning communities & social software
Problem- and project-based learning
Instructional design
Collaborative learning and scripting
Inquiry based learning
Teachers' authoring and orchestration
Individualisation and personalisation

Individual, social & organisational learning processes
Cognitive mechanisms in knowledge construction
Social interactions and learning
Knowledge management and organisational learning
Deployment strategies and change management in
Sustainability & TEL business models

Learning contexts
Small, medium and large companies
University campus, corporate campus and distance universities
Initial vocational training
Informal learning, associations, families,…
From kindergarten to elderly people
TEL in developing countries
TEL for disabled persons

Bridging formal and informal learning
Comparing university and corporate training
Integrating multiple TEL approaches with an environment or scenario

Submission Format and Publication

For camera ready instructions, see the conference web site.
Full Papers (between 10 and 15 pages)
Posters (between 4 and 6 pages)
Workshop (4 pages)

The proceedings will be published in Springer LNCS (
). For camera-ready format instructions, please see "For Authors"
instructions at The
page limit is 15 pages for full papers, 6 pages for posters. Selected
papers will be considered for special issues of relevant journals.
Workshop descriptions will be published in the conference proceedings.

Committees and Organizers

General Chair:
Erik Duval, KUL, Belgium

Programme chairs:
Marcus Specht, OUNL, The Netherlands
Pierre Dillenbourg, EPFL, Switzerland

Local Organization chair:
Mieke Haemers, The Netherlands

Publicity chair
Fred de Vries, The Netherlands

Workshop chair:
Martin Wolpers, Germany

Industrial session chair:
Volker Zimmerman, IMC AG, Germany

Doctoral Consortium chairs
Denis Gillet, Switzerland
Ralf Klamma, Germany
Tomaz Klobucar, Slovenia
Katherine Maillet, France

Programme committee:
Inmaculada Arnedillo-Sánchez, Ireland
Mireille Betrancourt, Switzerland
Raphaël Bonvin, Switzerland
Peter Brusilovsky, USA
Paul de Bra, Netherlands
Lorenzo Cantoni, Switzerland
Tak.Wai Chan, Taiwan
Stefano Ceri, Italy
Cristina Conati, Canada
Alexandra Cristea, UK
Carlos Delgado Kloos, Spain
Christian Depover, Belgium
Angelique Dimitracopoulou, Greece
Yannis Dimitriadis, Spain
Peter Dolog, Denmark
Dieter Euler, Switzerland
Christine Ferraris, France
Frank Fischer, Germany
Denis Gillet, Switzerland
Monique Grandbastien, France
Jim Greer, Canada
Jean-Luc Gurtner, Switzerland
Paivi Hakkinen, Finland
Antreas Harrer, Germany
France Henri, Canada
Ulrich Hoppe, Germany
Sanna Jarvela, Finland
Patrick Jermann, Switzerland
Barbara Kieslinger, Austria
Kinshuk , Canada
Ralf Klamma, Germany
Rob Koper, The Netherlands
Tomaz Klobucar, Slovenia
Ard Lazonder, The Netherlands
Teemu Leinonen, Finland
Stefanie Lindstaedt, Austria
Maria Joâo Loureiro, Portugal
Katherine Maillet, France
Riichiro Mizoguchi, Japan
Wolfgang Neijdl, Germany
Jan Pawlowski, Finland
Jeremy Roschelle, USA
Nikol Rummel, Germany
Tammy Schellens, Belgium
Daniel Schneider, Switzerland
Mark Schlager, USA
Judith Schoonenboom, Netherlands
Peter Scott, UK
Mike Sharples, UK
Peter Sloep, NL
Pierre Tchounikine, France
Christine Vanoirbeek, Switzerland
Barbara Wasson, Norway
Fridolin Wild, Austria
Martin Wolpers, Belgium

Project Meetings

Project meetings
Perpetuating its tradition, the conference provides the opportunity to
set up project meetings. These meetings can be scheduled on Sept, 16th
and 17th . They may overlap with workshops. We will do our best to
offer meetings rooms at the lowest rates.

Meetings: contact the local organisation chair