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Learning Network for IMS Learning Design (LN4LD)
PROJECT: Positioning in Learning Networks
Website: Learning Network for Learning Design
Project description:
The LN4LD activity will set up a pilot learning network for a heterogeneous group of learners interested in finding, applying and exchanging information about the IMS Learning Design specification (IMS LD). In the context of this pilot, LN4LD will also examine measures designed to stimulate active participation in the learning network.
The activity has three goals. First, by implementing a learning network it will yield early insights into issues surrounding their creation and maintenance, thereby helping the development programme to better understand the implications of the move towards self organisation in education. Second, through its focus on the IMS Learning Design specification, the learning network will meet the current strong demand for the dissemination of introductory information, best practices and lessons learned in this area. Finally, by explicitly incorporating the investigation of a technology development question (measures to stimulate active participation), the activity will contribute to the publication output of the development programme.
LN4LD has three objectives:
• To gain early feedback on functional, technical and organisational aspects of creating
and maintaining a learning network;
• To help meet the demand for further information on IMS Learning Design from those
wishing to understand the specification, or who are considering, or actively engaged in, its application.
• To investigate mechanisms which stimulate learners to move beyond mere
consumption of learning material towards active participation in the creation of learning experiences;
•The central outcome of the activity will be a learning network in use by a community of learners.
Project leader and researchers involved :
Project leader: Rob Koper
Team members: Daniel Burgos, Hans Hummel; formerly, also Colin Tattersall
Planning: Active contribution
Current status: No deadline. Active round-trip contribution with new items and discussions in the forums
Relations with other projects in the Development Programme: ProLearn, TENCompetence